< Powrót
Welcome to the website of TESSO – one of the leaders in recycling clothes in Poland for over 30 years now. We recycle both clothes and textiles. We protect the environment. We also support the less fortunate, the sick and the poor. How do we do it?
Environmental protection
Recycling of clothes by TESSO is certainly a pro-ecological activity. 70% of people in the world already make use of second-hand clothing. Owing to this practice, less clothes end up in the dumping sites. And textiles decompose for even as long as about 50 years!
Help for the poor
We closely cooperate with charity organizations – our containers for clothes have the logos of the Caritas and Foundation of Help for Children “Dar” (“Gift”). When you put clothes into our containers, you can be sure that charity organizations gain segregated clothes or get the financial aid they require to take care of the people who are in need.
Support for sick children
Thanks to the donated clothes sick children under care of the Foundation „Dar” gain financial aid to cover costs of their treatment or education.
Social development
We create and provide more than 800 steady and valuable jobs. Taxes that we pay support the financial budget of the local government. It is especially relevant today, considering the global economic crisis.
Help for the Third World countries and more
Our export of goods to African countries enables Africans to gain or buy used clothes at minimal rates. Furthermore, TESSO is a member of the National Economic Chamber of Textile Recycling Materials (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Tekstylnych Surowców Wtórnych) and a member of its Council. It cooperates with companies from the Middle and the Far East, Africa, the Ukraine and Europe. Used clothes on our offer are also imported from England, Ireland and the Scandinavian countries.
Trend for second-hands
In addition to the benefits listed above, it is worth adding that today cheap used clothes has become a real fashion hit. Both celebrities and ordinary people value them for their originality and little money they have to spend on them. In second-hand shops you can usually find single, unique pieces of clothing, unavailable in any other shop.
How has it all started and how does it work in other countries? – read an interview with TESSO’s CEO Andrzej Kowalczyk.